Our Services

We provide advice and services to our clients for a fee, paid by our clients to us. We do not accept commissions or other financial remuneration from any outside financial services or product providers for recommending or utilizing their services or products. We do not compensate anyone who is not an employee or advisor of our firm for recommending our firm's services.

Clients can expect us to provide fundamentally sound financial recommendations, grounded in fiduciary and old fashioned (the empiricism of history) principals. We don't focus just on the last basis point (1/100th of a percent) of performance or advantage, but on the strength, durability, flexibility and utility of the financial assets and relationships you entrust to us. For our portfolio management clients this means your investment portfolios. For our wealth management clients this means the full range of the financial aspects of your personal and business life that you share with us for consideration and for which you request and we agree to provide consultation and services.

  • Investment performance; is the result of sound decisions, executed consistently and competently over long periods of time. Neither you nor we can demand or predict performance so we do not attempt either.
  • Reporting; we measure and report every aspect of your financial performance that we feel fully informs you of your results. We do so frequently and consistently. We discuss our mistakes as well as our successes.
  • Change; like risk is inevitable. We choose to anticipate and manage the impact of both for the benefit of our clients.

Much of the "stuff" of portfolio management and wealth management is routine. It isn't glamorous or too fancy. It must be executed systematically and consistently over your entire lifetime. It will not reduce its management needs to suit your changing time or attention resources. This is one reason why as your life becomes fuller, it becomes more difficult to do it yourself. Routine isn't fun nor is it interesting. Yet the "routine" of soundly managing your financial life is ever more critical to making sound decisions and avoiding significant errors as your financial assets and your means to accrue them grow in scope and complexity. Consider too, the dynamic nature of the economy, your work life, your personal life, the inconsistency of our political landscape and the rules and regulatory changes your financial assets must adapt to. Suddenly you realize that while you need a reliable, systematic and consistent way to comprehend and manage your financial lives, the tools and techniques needed to accomplish that must to cope with constant change.